For the last 6 years or so, I’ve mounted my phone using a magnetic phone mount attached to the ashtray. While this worked well at the time, it was always a pain to then charge it while mounted, as this involved attaching a cable to the USB port above it. Fiddly, but perfectly doable.
Since that time, I’ve upgraded my iPhone to one that is Magsafe compatible.
Magsafe was introduced to the iPhone in the iPhone 12 model and is a handy way to mount and wirelessly charge your phone using magnets.
I’ve been meaning to “upgrade” my mount in the Cerbera, and have finally gotten round to doing it.
The objective was: charge while mounted, minimal cables visible, nothing permanent and certainly no holes drilled anywhere or suction cups on the windscreen. And when the phone was not connected, I didn’t want anything too garish on display.
The setup is as follows:
- A magetic swivel phone mount is attached to the ashtray using a provided 3M sticky-pad (this has been attached for years now, so I can vouch for its robustness)
- A Magsafe charger is attached to the Swivel Mount (you will want a thin one ~5.5mm thick)
- The Magsafe plugs into a USB socket (ensure the socket can put out at least 20 Watts)
The phone simply snaps into place when presented near the Magsafe, and is secured no matter how many potholes you run into.
It’s position means it is shielded from the sun, and at the perfect place to glance at when using your phone as a SatNav.
There is a minimal amount of cable visible. If I can ever find a thin Magsafe with a rear mounted cable, I will revisit the setup and hard-wire the cable and completely hide them- but for now, this is as good as it gets.
A really good idea. Never heard of magsafe before reading the post. Definitely will research further with a view to fitting one.
I only discovered it a couple of years ago, now these things are all over the house and in my other car.